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PRM 100/105/60 Wrapped bushing with grease pockets

Wrapped bronze bushings are particularly well suited for applications where high levels of contamination make relubrication necessary. The sliding… Full description
Product code: 1610010560
Price without VAT
429,33 Kč
Price with VAT
519,49 Kč
2 - 3 dny

Product description

Wrapped bronze bushings are particularly well suited for applications where high levels of contamination make relubrication necessary. The sliding surface of an wrapped bronze bushing contains diamond shaped pockets that must initially be filled with grease. The pockets act as reservoirs to progressively release lubricant during operation. We offer a full range of both straight and flanged wrapped bronze bushings


Teplotní rozsah °C
Součinitel tření µ
Dynamické zatížení N/mm2
Statické zatížení N/mm2
Přípustná kluzná rychlost m/s
Tolerance hřídele
Tolerance tělesa
Povrchová drsnost hřídele Ra µm
Tvrdost hřídele HB
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